FEBO – Dutch take on fastfood

Anyone who has ever visited the Netherlands is bound to have visited a snack wall, a phenomenon that was made popular by the Dutch company FEBO, a snack bar chain with branches throughout the country.

The snack wall concept recently generated excitement at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival in New York, during the screening of a Dutch film entitled "Il Fait Beau" (pronounced IL FEBO). This film is about a lonely French expat in Amsterdam who falls instantly in love with a girl refilling snacks in the Febo snack wall. The people at the screening not only enjoyed the movie but were captivated by the snack wall, which, incidentally, Onel has filed as a European design.

Following discussions between the filmmaker and FEBO, the snack bar company decided to sponsor the film. FEBO is known for its distinctive branding, including popular merchandise such as caps, hats and t-shirts, marketed under the umbrella name Haute Friture®. The float-in on the canal was undoubtedly yet another highlight.


George Floyd is a political symbol, not a trademark


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